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技术细节:更新linux内核 [2022/04/28 15:44]
技术细节:更新linux内核 [2022/04/29 10:37] (当前版本)
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 首先值得庆幸的是reMarkable没有锁定设备,用户能轻松获取SSH端口的测试权限。而且他们也没有关闭调试接口,用户可以引导自己的启动器和Linux内核。reMarkable使用OpenEmbedded来构建rootFS,但是如果他们分享出自己的修改并开源的话就更好了。 首先值得庆幸的是reMarkable没有锁定设备,用户能轻松获取SSH端口的测试权限。而且他们也没有关闭调试接口,用户可以引导自己的启动器和Linux内核。reMarkable使用OpenEmbedded来构建rootFS,但是如果他们分享出自己的修改并开源的话就更好了。
-They also release their u-boot and Linux source code, although they do legally have to. Here they could do a better job of upstreaming their changes, this improves the user experience (as it's easier to update kernels) and helps developers.此外,reMarkable也公开了他们的u-boot 和 Linux的源代码,当然,这是法律规定的。+此外,reMarkable也公开了他们的u-boot 和 Linux的源代码,当然,这是法律规定的。
-===== How Linux releases work =====+===== Linux如何发布工作 =====
 A new mainline Linux kernel release happens about every 2-3 months. These releases are the major and minor versions, for example 4.14 and 4.15. Some of these releases are marked as long term, the 4.14 release is a long term release. Long term releases continue to receive point releases afterwards. At this time of this writing the latest 4.14 point release is 4.14.218. A new mainline Linux kernel release happens about every 2-3 months. These releases are the major and minor versions, for example 4.14 and 4.15. Some of these releases are marked as long term, the 4.14 release is a long term release. Long term releases continue to receive point releases afterwards. At this time of this writing the latest 4.14 point release is 4.14.218.
 It is perfectly acceptable to use a long term release (for example 4.14) it is critical that the point releases are regularly updated. These releases fix critical security vulnerabilities as well as other important bugs. To get an idea of how many CVEs (security vulnerabilities) have been fixed for the 4.14 kernel, have a look here: [[|]] It is perfectly acceptable to use a long term release (for example 4.14) it is critical that the point releases are regularly updated. These releases fix critical security vulnerabilities as well as other important bugs. To get an idea of how many CVEs (security vulnerabilities) have been fixed for the 4.14 kernel, have a look here: [[|]]

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