====== Customizing the Templates ====== The templates are PNG files and are located in ''/usr/share/remarkable/templates/'' you add new templates by simply copying additional files to this folder using [[tech:ssh]]. As of at least version, copying files is not sufficient to make your templates appear. You also have to edit the file ''templates.json'' with your favourite text editor to include meta data for your newly uploaded file. For each template file, there's a section like for example { "name": "Weekplanner US", "filename": "P Week US", "iconCode": "\ue9db", "landscape": "false", "categories": [ "Life/organize" ] } These sections within curly brackets are separated with commas from each other. Just replace ''name'' with whatever caption you'd like to give your file. ''filename'' should be the file name of your PNG/SVG file without the extension. ''iconCode'' is a Unicode character from a webfont installed on your reMarkable that contains all the device's iconography (''/usr/share/remarkable/webui/fonts/icomoon.woff''). This value can simply be copied from another entry in the template file, but you are free to inspect the font and choose a specific icon from the set as well. It will show up as the thumbnail image above the template name. ''categories'' can be used to create an own custom category. Just name it accordingly. The "landscape" option defaults to false, and can be omitted entirely if the template is to be used in portrait mode. However, if you want the template to appear under the 'landscape' section of the ReMarkable's template selection menu, set this option to "true". Alternatively you can use the free [[assistant]] or the paid [[https://www.einkpads.com/collections/frontpage/products/remarkable-template-installer-apple-computers|eInkPads Template Installer]] with Drag n Drop functionality, or paid [[http://www.davisr.me/projects/rcu/|reMarkable Connection Utility]] which stores all metadata in the template file and automatically restores templates after system updates. After modifying templates.json you need to restart xochitl for it to be reloaded: systemctl restart xochitl ===== Specifications ===== The templates are in the exact size of 1404x1872 pixels. The Menu Bar, if not closed, takes exactly 120 pixels on the top and on the left side. If developing a custom template, the .png file is the image shown when drawing on the remarkable device. The .svg vector file will be used when exporting the template to .pdf via the USB web interface (Enabled under Storage Settings). The .svg file presumably must be in the [[https://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/|SVG 1.2 Tiny]] profile.((''''s do not work. As qtsvg is listed in the Copyrights and Licenses section and qtsvg implements SVG 1.2 Tiny which does not support ''''s, this seems to indicate that qtsvg is used for PDF creation.)) Both template files must be in the exact resolution of 1404x1872 pixels regardless of whether the template is intended for portrait or landscape mode. Accessing the custom template export will not work properly from the reMarkable app 2.3.2 since custom templates are not synced to the remarkable server (although the notebooks themselves are). //Note: In the current version of the software (since software version, notes taken on a .png template with a transparent background will not properly erase over transparent portions of the template.// This image shows the various //iconCode// values for system {{:tips:template-icon-codes-}} ===== templatectl ===== [[https://github.com/PeterGrace/templatectl|templatectl]] is a small CLI that manages edits to the JSON file for you. If you're using the version from [[https://toltec-dev.org/|Toltec]], your added templates will also be preserved across system upgrades. ===== Change default Template ===== There was a tip posted on [[https://www.reddit.com/r/RemarkableTablet/comments/8k4s9n/how_to_change_the_default_template_for_notebooks/|Reddit]] about changing the default template that is used for new notebooks. The template ''Blank.png'' is set to be used as the default template when creating a new notebook. To have another template make a backup of the original ''Blank.png'' (eg. rename to ''Original-Blank.png'') and just to be sure make a copy on your computer in case of an update overwrite. Then rename(or copy) the template you want to use as the default to ''Blank.png'' and you have a new default template! ===== Issues ===== There are scenarios where you will not be able to undo or erase strokes on your custom templates. To solve this, don't save your custom templates as PNG and SVG but as PDF. Copy the PDF to your remarkable and then send it to yourself from the Remarkable. Once as PNG and once as SVG. Then copy these new PNG and SVG files to you Remarkable and the problem should be fixed. ===== Templates by other Users ===== * [[https://www.fiverr.com/s2/f732d3a424|Order customized template]] by Nikita Rvachev * [[https://github.com/richeymichael/remarkable-assistant/tree/master/src/remark-assist/additional-templates|Additional Templates in the reMarkable Assistant]] * [[https://github.com/oisinmulvihill/reMarkableTemplates|Chinese Character grid]] * [[https://i.redd.it/jlcuyczv52i01.png|ISO/Cartesian Dot Grid]] * [[https://i.redd.it/xphr1z5sioh01.png|ISO Dot Grid]] * [[https://imgur.com/a/YAyzC/layout/grid|Landscape templates for bullet journal]] * [[https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao-gQEYFV0AEh7MNmp8hW2DFJlEwnw|Dotted Grid - 5.5dpi, 1pt size, Dark Grey (#696969)]] * [[https://imgur.com/a/0ACr0/layout/grid|Mobile Wireframing]] by Joe Jung * [[https://imgur.com/a/hS5awZX/|Daily Agenda]] by Stacey Conley * [[https://www.einkpads.com/collections/all|various templates]] by einkpads.com * [[https://imgur.com/a/i1YvgtH|Wardley Map template]] by Seb Shaw * [[https://imgur.com/a/8y27LPK|Cynefin template]] by Seb Shaw * [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xdzs4inwjnpgcua/AADkHx6jQadLlZrIByP6xlpba?dl=0| Additional Journal Templates]] by KM * [[https://oc.plugiat.net/index.php/s/UaUxL9bJtea8Ger| German Templates]] by D. Mader * [[https://folk.ntnu.no/helgehaf/remarkable/templates/sudoku.png| Sudoku puzzle template]] by Helge Hafting * [[https://github.com/bliekp/remarkable-templates| Bullet Journal Templates]] by Pim Bliek * [[https://github.com/steka/reMarkable_templates| Whitelines Templates]] by Stefan Karlsson * [[https://github.com/phae/remarkable-templates/blob/main/amateur-radio-logbook.png| Amateur radio logbook]] by phae * [[https://github.com/ejurga/ReMarkable_templates | Agenda templates]] by ejurga * [[https://github.com/deo-so/reMarkable-Tablet-Templates---Free | SWOT Analysis, Cash Flow, Daily Planner, Graph, Meeting Minutes and Project Planning]] by deo-so * [[https://github.com/philpalmieri/adhd-remarkable-templates | ADHD Friendly Daily and Meetings]] (Free and Paid) by philpalmieri * [[https://gitlab.com/asciiphil/remarkable-engineering/-/blob/master/README.md | Engineering-style Grid]] (major/minor grid lines, metric and US spacing options, header and footer area) by asciiphil * [[https://github.com/r1cc4rdo/Remarkable2 | Positivity journal]] by r1cc4rd0 * [[https://github.com/ekofoed/Norwegian-reMarkable-templates.git | Norwegian templates]] by Erik Kofoed * [[https://gumroad.com/svds | Tablet and smartphone wireframes for designers and developers]] by Studio VDS * [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n9ikt9elxinj8g9/AAANLnMpJcNruzm0iQUk5pxPa?dl=0|Journal Templates]] by Peter Rust