====== 提示与技巧 ====== 请注意,这里提到的许多技巧都需要通过 [[ssh端口访问]] 。请你小心更改内容,否则设备有可能变砖。 ===== 软件 ===== * [[官方客户端]] * 其他工具请访问链接: [[替代程序与客户端]] and [[https://github.com/reHackable/awesome-reMarkable|github上的remarkable二次开发程序大全]] * 官网生成一次性登陆配对码: https://my.remarkable.com/device/desktop/connect * 免费 * [[remarkable辅助程序]] 对设备进行一些简单的定制修改 * [[https://github.com/furesoft/Slithin|Slithin]] - Slithin 是一款永久免费的跨平台管理工具,适用于您的remarkable设备 (Beta Version) * [[rclone]] 用于第三方云同步 * [[filetree]] 为remarkable创建一个树状文件结构 * [[rmexplorer|rMExplorer]] for exploring and downloading files, and to make backups * [[:remarkable_mouse|reMarkable mouse]] for using your reMarkable as a mouse input (like a Wacom graphics tablet) on your PC * [[https://github.com/ddvk/remarkable-hacks|remarkable-hacks]] - binary hacks, that tweak many little useful things, and even enable use of the Lamy pen's button to toggle eraser * [[https://remarkablenewsletter.com|reMarkableNewsletter.com]]: Get an email address for free and use it to subscribe to newsletters or send anything to your reMarkable. * [[https://mailmarkable.com|MailMarkable]]: Send newsletters to your reMarkable tablet so you can read and notate them without distraction. * [[https://github.com/bordaigorl/rmview#readme|rmview]] A live viewer for reMarkable written in PyQt5 on GitHub. * Paid * Customized template * [[https://www.fiverr.com/s2/f732d3a424|Order customized template]] by Nikita Rvachev * Einkpads * [[https://www.einkpads.com/products/remarkable-template-installer-apple-computers | Einkpads Template Installer]] - Install custom templates with Drag-n-drop. * [[https://www.einkpads.com/products/ep-binder | Binder Cloud Sync]] - Backup your notebooks to the cloud. Many cloud services supported (dropbox, google drive, iCloud, Evernote, and more). * [[https://www.einkpads.com/products/remarkable-splash | Splash Screen Customizer ]] - Replace your standard screens on your reMarkable tablet with Drag-n-drop. * [[https://www.einkpads.com/products/einkpads-remarkable-diagnosis-tool | Einkpads Diagnosis Tool]] - Have your custom templates disappeared on your reMarkable after a firmware update? This software will restore them with a push of a button. * [[http://www.davisr.me/projects/rcu/|reMarkable Connection Utility (RCU)]]: A cross-platform client for all-in-one offline management of backups, screenshots, notebooks, templates, wallpaper, and third-party software ===== 硬件 ===== * Hardware mod: [[http://www.davisr.me/projects/remarkable-microsd/|Adding a microSD to the reMarkable]]. ===== 使用 ===== * [[工具栏]] * [[导出笔记]] * [[形成生产力的工作流程案例]] * [[绘制形状]] * [[https://github.com/juruen/rmapi/blob/master/docs/tutorial-print-macosx.md|将文件打印到rm]] * [[https://digitalehipsterkladde.tumblr.com/post/167703939644/how-to-print-onto-the-remarkable-via-usb-on-mac|通过usb传输文件到rm]] ===== 设置 ===== * [[密码设置]] * [[wifi设置]] * [[修改时区]] * [[修改睡眠时间延迟]] * [[阻止wifi自动启动]] * [[修改usb模式下的ip地址]] ===== 定制 ===== * [[修改待机锁屏图]] * [[修改模板]] * [[定制导出笔迹颜色]] ===== 数据访问 ===== * [[ssh端口访问]] * [[文件传输]] * [[在linux上挂载文件系统]] * [[自定义同步]] * [[设备vpn功能与代理]]