
File Transfer via SFTP

To transfer files with a graphic user interface (GUI), download an SFTP program like WinSCP, FileZilla or Cyberduck.

Create a new SFTP connection using the following settings:

File Transfer via SCP

To transfer files with a command line interface (CLI), open a terminal and type a command with this syntax

scp <full_path_to_source_file> <full_path_to_destination>

If the source is a directory instead of a file, you need to use scp -r

If you want to send an epub file book.epub from your Desktop folder to the reMarkable's home folder /home/root, the above would translate to

scp -v ~/Desktop/book.epub root@

If you want to make a quick-and-dirty local backup of your Toltec installation in your host machine's Downloads folder

scp -rv root@ ~/Downloads/

It is highly recommended that you configure an alias and set up a passwordless SSH login to save you from typing root@ and your password every time you want to transfer files to and from your reMarkable.

Making Local Backups

As an alternative (or in addition) to the reMarkable cloud sync backup service, you should back up your system files locally.

First, make a backup folder:

mkdir -p remarkable-backup/files

Make sure you are connecting over USB instead of WiFi for faster transfers. Then you probably want to back up at least the following, but if you intend to change other system files, feel free to add their paths too.

All your content (this will likely take the longest, and could be up to 8GB of data):

scp -r root@remarkable:~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/ remarkable-backup/files/

Your configuration file, which also contains your ssh password:

scp root@remarkable:~/.config/remarkable/xochitl.conf remarkable-backup/

The xochitl binary, if you plan on replacing or modifying it in any way:

scp root@remarkable:/usr/bin/xochitl remarkable-backup/

Other methods

The reMarkable community also offers a variety of 3rd party tools:

1) , 2)
Does not support the transfer of EPUBs.