请注意,这里提到的许多技巧都需要通过 ssh端口访问 。请你小心更改内容,否则设备有可能变砖。
- 其他工具请访问链接: 替代程序与客户端 and github上的remarkable二次开发程序大全
- 官网生成一次性登陆配对码: https://my.remarkable.com/device/desktop/connect
- 免费
- remarkable辅助程序 对设备进行一些简单的定制修改
- Slithin - Slithin 是一款永久免费的跨平台管理工具,适用于您的remarkable设备 (Beta Version)
- rclone 用于第三方云同步
- filetree 为remarkable创建一个树状文件结构
- rMExplorer for exploring and downloading files, and to make backups
- reMarkable mouse for using your reMarkable as a mouse input (like a Wacom graphics tablet) on your PC
- remarkable-hacks - binary hacks, that tweak many little useful things, and even enable use of the Lamy pen's button to toggle eraser
- reMarkableNewsletter.com: Get an email address for free and use it to subscribe to newsletters or send anything to your reMarkable.
- MailMarkable: Send newsletters to your reMarkable tablet so you can read and notate them without distraction.
- rmview A live viewer for reMarkable written in PyQt5 on GitHub.
- Paid
- Customized template
- Order customized template by Nikita Rvachev
- Einkpads
- Einkpads Template Installer - Install custom templates with Drag-n-drop.
- Binder Cloud Sync - Backup your notebooks to the cloud. Many cloud services supported (dropbox, google drive, iCloud, Evernote, and more).
- Splash Screen Customizer - Replace your standard screens on your reMarkable tablet with Drag-n-drop.
- Einkpads Diagnosis Tool - Have your custom templates disappeared on your reMarkable after a firmware update? This software will restore them with a push of a button.
- reMarkable Connection Utility (RCU): A cross-platform client for all-in-one offline management of backups, screenshots, notebooks, templates, wallpaper, and third-party software
- Hardware mod: Adding a microSD to the reMarkable.